October 13, 2013


When I looked closely in the world obsessed with religion, I found that superstition trumps over the real meaning of God and religion, as mentioned in various scriptures and religious books. Apparently evil is omnipotent, and not God. Ghosts, spirits, poltergeists, vampires are visible, but not God. Poltergeists are technically not visible, I know, but you get my point.
This world is so obsessed with the so-called evil spirits, that God is now no more the so-called superpower or the Ultimate Power, but just a means to drive away evil entities. To the people who make money through these meaningless tasks of "driving evil spirits away", I ask if this is what God's scriptures have in them; this is what God meant when he made man like me and you; this is what God has been left to do.

To resolve this strange, and even more idiotic, world of superstition, I don't even need to disprove God or His scriptures. All I have to do is question the real content of those scriptures they say they have. From which they can say God really existed. People say God is said to be omnipresent, and so is with us all the time. So why do you have to specially call Him to help you drive away these 'ghosts' or 'demons' you keep driving away twice or thrice a day? If he really is the Father rather than a father, why can't he understand that human isn't capable of driving these faulty entities away, and just help us directly?
Now there are two answers that follow, and I feel quite powered running a debate single-handedly. One is that God is not free for us all the time; he has more important tasks to do. If you have read the first post of this blog, what exactly do you mean by that?
The other answer is what my worthy opponent answered. He used quite a good example to set a break to my thoughts. He said, "Recall the days when you were learning to ride your bicycle. Your father used to accompany you from the back, while you drove it, half-scared and half-thrilled. If you happened to stumble and fall down, did your father prevent you from falling down each and every time, or did he just sit beside you, encouraging you to stand back up and try riding again?" Now that actually made me wonder. So if you really thought up to this, you really are a worthy reader of this. So, it means that he wants to guide us through our life, pleasant or stormy, by NOT helping us in our problems? Does he want to say to say, "learn from your mistakes"? I don’t see any sort of learning from fatal mistakes men have made since ages.

So, either it is time for the 11th avatar of Lord Vishnu, or the world has been clearly declared a God-free zone; because I don’t see this world on 'the path of illumination' or on ' the road to enlightenment'. This world will remain as it is, unless you yourself start believing that you are the God that will help make changes in the world.

1 comment:

  1. Nice stuff man.
    I like your blog.

    God doesn't exist, i think everyone is going to realize it sooner or later.
