August 24, 2014

Heaven 101

There are some questions I come across when people start feeling that I am the ordinary version of the atheist (Huh. People...). Some good questions, which I really like answering; and then there are those really stupid ones, the ones a 9-year old asks. I mean, come out of your holes, people! Think more! Be more curious, more open-minded!

Sorry, deviated off the subject. The stupid questions sound like “Who runs the world, then?” or “Then why is it that such a huge number people actually believe?”. What?? Are you serious?! I mean, whatever happened to the Higgs Boson, or the population blasts those social workers keep on keep remind you about?

And there are some real good ones. “I don’t know about God, but I feel that there is a universal force present, running everything, be it comprehensible or paranormal” is the most diplomatic of them. “Sometimes you need God; He can give you hope, whether true or false..”. I mean just look the height of weakness in your spirit. Whatever happened to your own motivation? “There is this need of faith, I think, in everyone, so that we can act humane” is what I would consider a neutral on my scale. These thoughts surely are from civilized brains, brains who don’t want to waste their time on a practically never-ending debate, because there are only speculations, not proofs. I appreciate the owners, but you what’s wrong with them? Actually, do you know what’s wrong about this mentality? It is the fact that if you think someone is doing something for you, if an event is ‘your destiny already written’, you wouldn’t want to give your best. Tell me, if it’s sure that your younger brother is going to throw that chocolate wrapper for you in the bin, would you want to stand up and throw it yourself? If something’s already written, then your actions would not affect the outcome, would it? So why don’t we just sit idle, doing completely nothing? Because we are all aware that “God helps only those who help themselves”, right? 

[P.S. I clicked the photo beside. And not from an airplane, but standing! Out of the car! Sikkimese people will believe me more than you guys..]