January 6, 2015


Well, I've upgraded!

Thank you everyone who has followed my blog and walked with me on the way to enlightenment. Though, I wouldn't say enlightenment is only if you follow the path of Science; I have discussed the brillliant formation of the Hinduism scriptures before as weel, about how they all are greatly related to ease our life, using science in religious approaches.

Sorry, got carried away. Actually, this post simply states that I have migrated my blog to thesatanist.vidhey.com, and from now on, I will be available over there only. Since it is still in beta version, if you want to personally contact me, you'll still need to use the vidhey97@gmail.com address, before I provide you with the upgraded contact details.

And, I am also sorry to the people whose replies I couldn't reply back to. It's just that I am in the 12th grade, and I have my exams coming up in a couple of months. So, till then our contact will be scarce even on the new blogsite (I wasn't active here too, to be fair, but you get the point..).

For any further comments or follow-ups, please visit the new blogsite. Thank you.