October 16, 2013

Moons and Stars

This Week's Horoscope for Scorpio:
        With the kind of positive and optimistic outlook that you have this week, even the toughest of jobs will be a breeze for you. And – though Ganesha advises against it – what you cannot achieve by hook, you may decide to achieve by crook. However, in your personal relationships, especially with your prospective life-partner, you shall be honest and straightforward. You shall confide your deepest feelings to him/her and thereby receive their full support. 

This is usually what you find in daily newspapers or in weekly/monthly magazines. They tell you that your day’s going to be fine by showing positions of planets and stars. You will find some ‘financial’ or ‘emotional’ benefit. And then, you are just happy for the rest of the day, waiting for that ‘financial’ benefit. But did you even sit down and think: how can the position of stars and planets, which are so far away that we see them as point-sized, determine your day?
Astrology. Another strange study formulated ‘by the Gods to predict your future’. Perhaps this was intended for the study of stars for purposes people like Galileo held, but got slowly dragged back to earth. Some might say that what they predict is usually true, and help their day get better, and that finding similarities on just a trial-and-error basis is quite surreal. But tell me, what is the global population? I suppose everyone reading this know that the count has already passed 7 billion. So, isn’t finding 12 sets of similarities in such a huge number very easy? If it is so easy to find 12 sets of similarities in the first place, I think it is easier to group like-minded people into one set and saying that these people have a lot in common. And forming 12 such groups and showing it out to the world is just as easy.
I think the way superficial astrology works is just out of my thinking. But if anyone is into deeper works of astrology, I know about it just as another citizen of this world. But in the end, these are perhaps just predictions based upon experience and observation, and it does not mean that the predictions are the future. There is just one difference between predictions and the future: predictions can be read out.

So, if I’m not wrong, it is already high time that we realize what is necessary, and rather than just thinking about what might happen tomorrow and be scared of it, we should live in today and act today, because a wise man once said, “It is not your friends, your family, or even your life partner who is making a living for you; it is you”.

October 13, 2013


When I looked closely in the world obsessed with religion, I found that superstition trumps over the real meaning of God and religion, as mentioned in various scriptures and religious books. Apparently evil is omnipotent, and not God. Ghosts, spirits, poltergeists, vampires are visible, but not God. Poltergeists are technically not visible, I know, but you get my point.
This world is so obsessed with the so-called evil spirits, that God is now no more the so-called superpower or the Ultimate Power, but just a means to drive away evil entities. To the people who make money through these meaningless tasks of "driving evil spirits away", I ask if this is what God's scriptures have in them; this is what God meant when he made man like me and you; this is what God has been left to do.

To resolve this strange, and even more idiotic, world of superstition, I don't even need to disprove God or His scriptures. All I have to do is question the real content of those scriptures they say they have. From which they can say God really existed. People say God is said to be omnipresent, and so is with us all the time. So why do you have to specially call Him to help you drive away these 'ghosts' or 'demons' you keep driving away twice or thrice a day? If he really is the Father rather than a father, why can't he understand that human isn't capable of driving these faulty entities away, and just help us directly?
Now there are two answers that follow, and I feel quite powered running a debate single-handedly. One is that God is not free for us all the time; he has more important tasks to do. If you have read the first post of this blog, what exactly do you mean by that?
The other answer is what my worthy opponent answered. He used quite a good example to set a break to my thoughts. He said, "Recall the days when you were learning to ride your bicycle. Your father used to accompany you from the back, while you drove it, half-scared and half-thrilled. If you happened to stumble and fall down, did your father prevent you from falling down each and every time, or did he just sit beside you, encouraging you to stand back up and try riding again?" Now that actually made me wonder. So if you really thought up to this, you really are a worthy reader of this. So, it means that he wants to guide us through our life, pleasant or stormy, by NOT helping us in our problems? Does he want to say to say, "learn from your mistakes"? I don’t see any sort of learning from fatal mistakes men have made since ages.

So, either it is time for the 11th avatar of Lord Vishnu, or the world has been clearly declared a God-free zone; because I don’t see this world on 'the path of illumination' or on ' the road to enlightenment'. This world will remain as it is, unless you yourself start believing that you are the God that will help make changes in the world.

October 8, 2013

Are You There..?

Hi, mes amis!
We know how universe had started, through the Big Bang. At CERN, scientists have also recreated this phenomenon, though obviously on a much smaller scale. The LHC (Large Hadron Collider), the new machine made by them, stretches in a circle 27 km long in circumference, and 175 m under the Franco-Swiss border. What I mean to say is that we have made it quite scientifically clear how the universe came into existence out of nothing but a small particle, oft referred to as Higgs Boson particle, or more ironically, the 'God particle'.

Now, coming back to Earth and how the basic-most living organisms were born. In 1950s, two scientists, Urey and Miller, devised an experiment to see how complex compounds might have formed from simple elements after the formation of Earth. I don't want to show you the whole experiment. But I'll surely want to tell you what they found.
They found a brown mass having around 20 different amino acids, 11 of which are currently used by living organisms in day-to-day life processes. So many scientists anticipate and believe that something similar would have occurred leading to formation of basic organisms like bacteria, from complex compounds as well. And then as we all know, complex organisms evolved from simple ones, and as of now, we are as abundant on the Earth as perhaps the no. of bacteria in a pond.
If someone states that we still didn’t actually prove how life began, did you know that we haven’t discovered even 2% of our universe? This clearly shows that Science is still in its youth, and will take time to mature and be ready to answer all the questions posed by the overly mature Religion.

Now I would like to ask, where the heck do you find God in this? Do you find any divine force at work anywhere, in the start of the Universe or the commencement of the human race (or any other organism)?

I have heard people say that God is not here to listen to all your complaints; he has much more important tasks to do. Now come on, who are you kidding? What tasks other than to keep an eye on the world does He have? Everything has been given a logical explanation, and I doubt that the language of God and that of logic are the same. 

October 7, 2013


Since the beginning of time, there has been two ultimate opposite bodies, desperately trying to make the other one obsolete, or simply destroying its contemporary. One of them sees the path of reason, the path of logic, the path of rationalism. Science. The other one, and apparently the older one, follows and shows the path of divinity, the path of illumination, the path of spirituality. God. This opposition has also led to violence, in the form of riots and wars since ages. But the irony is that the questions which religion answers through divine reasons, are answered by science through simple logic and reasoning; and those concepts Science fails to understand, are the ones Religion defines by their language of God.

To be sure what we are actually talking about, I would want to tell you that there is a significant difference between God and His religion. And perhaps that’s where the difference starts. It’s not His religion, it’s ours. Science was a strange and a very complex language in its youth. So, to simplify its meaning and making common man easily understand some important concepts of life, Religion was adopted. People all over the world follow many different religions, and I respect them all. I would be focusing my talks to Hinduism and Christianity, as I have been into both of them quite deeply.

But, before actually starting our tour, I would like to show you the difference in the meaning of religion in the minds of different people. People usually take religion as the language of God. But, it is just like saying Science is the language of extraterrestrial organisms, or, in simple words, aliens! If we look into any religion closely, it is clear that religion was not made to enforce the word of God, but God was made to enforce the word of religion. And me, I am not against any religion, community or sect. I respect every religion, I just don’t get their ways.

Many people look at me as an atheist, talking against God, not believing in Him. But I see myself as just speaking the language of logic and simple reasoning. And as Ernest Hemingway said, “All thinking men are atheists”.

As you will see this is a long highway towards ‘enlightenment’ or ‘learning’ or whatever it means, I would like to end this post about now. Every post will reveal surprising, shocking, and obvious but unnoticed truths. I hope you enjoy reading this…!