November 28, 2013

Hey, that's my Sun you're talking about..!

One of the most astonishing aspects I would want you to observe is the 'baselessness' of this concept of God and religion, and perhaps of my vocabulary. Some of you will be quite astonished to hear the story of Galileo.
The Geocentric model, as taught by the Church before Galilei
Galileo Galilei, as we all know, was the first one to observe from his telescope and give a proposal about the apparent movement of the Earth. But what all don’t know is this: unlike what the Church taught at that time, he said that celestial bodies don’t revolve around the Earth, but the Earth itself revolves around a bigger celestial body, a star, the Sun, better known today as the Copernican system.
But the Church stayed on to its orthodox Ptolemaic system as shown, and Galileo was warned ‘not to hold, teach, or defend it in any way whatever, either orally or in writing’, and when he continued, he was put on trial and house-arrested for his ‘wrong and misleading’ theory. Also, the Copernican books were suspended till correction, and all books ‘supporting or advocating’ Copernican system were banned. But as of the present, we all study the movements of planets in the 7th grade, and deeper in Physics as heliocentrism.
What this means is that the whole concept of God from the start appears to be baseless, and we have even started uprooting its bases recently. If all of us think correctly, the day is not near when the world is actually lifted of the dark of religion and superstition, and sets a course towards the light of rationalism and logic.


  1. What i think VIDHU,is that god is nature. Why nature?........ god is the 1 who provide us everything, who help us to survive and the 1 which do this is our mother nature. So personally what i believe is that the way u follow dosent matter at last u will going to reach at the same place n thats NATURE.

    1. Well.. good to know that there are people who actually can think deeper..
      Talking about nature.. You are quite right. But naming nature is a too broad a perspectice to be seen at once, and naming it as God is like saying cricket was introduced in Europe.. Though it ain't wrong.. But it can given more thought to get better answers..

    2. God is nothing but a 'lame excuse' to conceal our failures :)

    3. Tru dat, mon frere! "If there is God, you can blame him!"
